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Metaportal der Medienpolemik

marod visuals

/ 1 min read


marod visuals: vjing with compression artefacts

Marod Visuals

January 2007

The video mentioned below got selected for this year’s DIAGONALE film festival!

November 2006

Work started on a new music video for Kilo’s Backdoors.

October 2006

Started a marod visuals channel on YouTube … and made a MySpace profile.

18. May 2005

Kilo with marod at rhiz.

17. December 2004

Once again: kilo with marod visuals. This time at EuroRanch Klub N°29 in Club U.

October 2004

Performances with kilo in Vienna (Porgy&Bess), Bratislava, and Kunsthaus Graz. Very nice.

Monday, 21. June 2004 / 20:30 - 23:00

TanzHotel MiniFestival musica callada (Ensemble ZweiAcht) DionysosOrpheus-Dialog* Tanz*Hotel Labor Kilo (Florian Bogner, Markus Urban) with marod

Thursday, 17. June 2004

kilo with marod visuals at Haus der Musik. Kilo image Linked: | skug